Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blessed Miguel A. Pro, S.J. - Priest and Martyr

Dios y Padre nuestro, que concediste a tu hijo Miguel Agustín, en su vida y en su martirio, buscar con entusiasmo tu mayor gloria y la salvación de los hombres, concédenos, a ejemplo suyo, servirte y glorificarte cumpliendo nuestras obligaciones diarias con fidelidad y alegría, y ayudando eficazmente a nuestros prójimos. Te pedimos también, Padre Santo, que, si es tu voluntad, podamos pronto venerar al Beato Miguel Agustín, como un nuevo Santo de la Iglesia.

God our Father, whom You bestowed on your son Miguel Agustín, in his life and his martyrdom, to look forward to Your greater glory and the salvation of men, grant, following his example, to serve and glorify You, by fulfilling our daily duties with fidelity and joy, and effectively helping our neighbors. We also ask you, Holy Father, that, if You will, soon we venerate the Blessed Miguel Agustin, as a new saint of the Church.

Prayer source

Miguel Pro and Family. According to the
source for this picture, the boy standing
between the parents is Humberto, also
killed with Miguel.
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Padre Miguel Pro in one of his disguises

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Padre Pro Awaiting Martyrdom

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"Viva Cristo Rey!"

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Padre Miguel Pro lying dead with his arms outstretched like a cross
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