Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Feast of St. Faustina

Following two photos source: Gefroh Family

"How great should each one's love for the Church be!  As a good child prays for the mother it loves, so also should every Christian soul pray for the Church, its Mother..." #551

"...I heard this voice in my soul:  Do not fear anything; nothing will happen to you against My will..." #541

Sister Faustina Kowalska and family

Picture source

"I accept joy or suffering, praise or humiliation with the same disposition.  I remember that one and the other are passing.  What does it matter to me what people say about me?  I have long ago given up everything that concerns my person. My name is host- or sacrifice, not in words but in deeds, in the emptying of myself and in becoming like You on the Cross, O good Jesus, my Master!  #485

Picture source

"In the midst of trials I will try to see the loving hand of God.  Nothing is as constant as suffering - it always faithfully keeps the soul company.  O Jesus, I will let no one surpass me in loving You! #227

Room in Kowalska Home where Sister Faustina was born.
"O Divine Will, You are my nourishment.  You are my delight.  Hasten, O Lord, the Feast of Mercy that souls may recognize the fountain of Your goodness." #1003

Picture source

Picture source

"The quintessence of love is sacrifice and suffering.  Truth wears a crown of thorns.  Prayer involves the intellect, the will, and the emotions." #1103

From Divine Mercy in My Soul: Diary of Sister M. Faustina Kowalska.

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