Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Catholic Blogger Defends Catholic Bloggers

In response to a recent article written by Rachel Zoll for the Associated Press, Catholic bloggers aim to purge dissenters, my blogger friend Lisa Graas a regular columnist for David Horowitz's NewsRealBlog, has taken issue with the portrayal of Catholic bloggers in the AP article and is taking it upon herself to set the story straight.
A new article by Associated Press [AP] writer Rachel Zoll claims “Catholic bloggers aim to purge dissenters” and includes a quote comparing us to the Taliban because we use “stark language.” The leftist media shows here a disturbing inability to distinguish between (a) the use of speech to debate ideas and (b) burning heretics. Do Catholic bloggers really want to kill people who disagree with them?

You can read Lisa's excellent commentary at AP Claims Catholic Bloggers Want to Purge Dissenters.