Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Latest Update on the Blue Chapel

Pictures source

A few years ago, a kind lady would send me regular updates on the Cloistered Nuns of the Blue Chapel in Union City, New Jersey, who had to leave their home. It was
Someone was kind enough to leave the following comment yesterday. Mahalo!

Peace be unto you and may Mary ever be a Mother unto us.
As of this post, 9/27/2010, all the nuns are gone from the former Blue Chapel with the woman who runs the gift shop coming in occasionally.

Last year, a proposal was brought to an assembly of community residents to convert the Blue Chapel to a home for unwed mothers. The architect who was present revealed that the footprint of the building would change, the perimeter walls would go in some cases, and 3 stories would be added. The residents vocally objected and the plan is on hold for the time being.

Local preservationists are trying to convince local leaders in Union City, especially the mayor, to attempt to get the former building protected to a limited extent on the New Jersey Registry of Historic Places. So far the church authority, as I understand, is opposed to this and their are hints that the entire property of just over 1 acre will be sold. But that is unconfirmed at this point.

The Union City Reporter, available on-line, has at least 3 articles about the Blue Chapel to date.

Meanwhile a sister monastery in Summit, New Jersey continues.

The Blue Chapel consistently lost nuns over several decades and they are interred in a small cemetery on the grounds.

Perhaps the best known nun was the late Sr. Mary of the Compassion (Constance Mary Rowe)who was artistically gifted.

Please continue to pray for those nuns who still survive but have been relocated due to age and infirmity.
Pax Christi

The Blue Chapel also has connections to our friends, the Dominican Nuns in Summit, NJ. History

More information and recent articles on the Blue Chapel:

Saving the Blue Chapel

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