Tuesday, July 06, 2010

"Never Take the Eucharist for Granted"

I suppose it’s typical for human beings to sometimes take our finest gifts for granted – our health, our faith, our family and our friends, for example.
And even as Catholics we have the tendency to take for granted one of God’s most precious gifts – the Holy Eucharist, and all that it means for us. Although we typically pay lip service to the importance of the Eucharist, I wonder if we really appreciate its significance in our lives.

As the heart and soul of our Catholic Faith, the Eucharist a gift and mystery that includes several important dimensions. The Eucharist is a sacrifice – the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, made present again in a sacramental way. The Eucharist is a sacrament – the abiding presence of Christ among His people under the external forms of bread and wine. The Eucharist is a meal – established by Jesus at the Last Supper, and in which the action of eating and drinking the Body and Blood of Christ is essential to its meaning. And the Eucharist is a celebration – an affirmation of our faith in sign and symbol.
You can read the rest of Bishop Thomas J. Tobin's article here

Thanks Sue Cifelli!


  1. Hello Esther
    Thank you for posting this very necessary reminder. It is so true, we do take all our gifts for granted and the Eucharist is, as said here, the most precious gift of all. Thanks for the link and thanks for all the great work you do. God bless you.

  2. Thank you Breadgirl and God bless you always abundantly.
