Monday, June 14, 2010

Father John Randall - On Eucharistic Adoration

Fr. Randall encourages every parish to develop a Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration program.

In his usual exhilaration when speaking about the “Host exposed,”Fr. Randall exhorts “How I wish our Church were more obedient to Pope John Paul II! Did you know that he, at the Eucharistic Congress in Seville, Spain in 1993, requested that every parish in the world inaugurate perpetual adoration? He started it himself at that time in St. Peter’s in Rome. What fantastic graces await us if we only step out and do this! I believe that if it can bedone in an inner city parish, it can be done everywhere. Don’t be afraid. ‘Ducin altum,’ (‘set out into the deep’) as John Paul urges us at the beginning of this new millennium. The Eucharistic reign of Christ will do the rest!”
Read the rest over at Ed's Blog here

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