Saturday, March 27, 2010

Honoring Our Lady With Our Clothing

The other day was the Feast of the Annunciation, my mother noticed that at Mass only she and I were dressed with pastel blue.  She commented that it was sad that not many people knew about wearing Baby blue on Marian Feast Days or Saturdays.  As a way of getting the message out, I am sharing some photos of our family wearing Our Lady's color on either Saturdays, Marian Feast Days or when visiting a Marian shrine.

"O, Mama Mia!


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I wore blue. Blue is our Blessed Mother's color!

  2. Dear Esther,
    Thanks for sharing the photos. It's always nice to see pictures of what people look like when we read about them.
    Because of your writing about wearing blue on Saturdays and Marian feasts, I now have adopted this custom.
    May you have a blessed Holy Week.
    Love and prayers,

  3. A: Wonderful!

    Gail: :-) Yes, that is my family and me during different days and events.

    Very happy to know you do this too.

    Have a blessed Holy Week.

    With much aloha,

  4. I have learned something today. I did not know about the color blue for Marian feasts. Thanks for mentioning it.

  5. Elizabeth, please spread the word :-)

  6. Ditto on the education of light blue here! Great pictures!

  7. Thanks Ann! BTW, I hope you spread this tradition too.

    EM: Mahalo!
