Sunday, February 28, 2010

St. John Vianney on Sunday, the Lord's Day

This is not directed at anyone who finds that through their own circumstances in life, and through no fault of their own, MUST work on Sundays.
"...Sunday is the property of our good God; it is His own day, the Lord's day. He made all the days of the week: He might have kept them all; He has given you six, and has reserved only the seventh for Himself. What right have you to meddle with what does not belong to you? You know very well that stolen goods never bring any profit. Nor will the day that you steal from Our Lord profit you either. I know two very certain ways of becoming poor: they are working on Sunday and taking other people's property..." 
Source: Day 7 February 23rd, 2010


  1. Good morning Esther

    I am just calling in to wish you a very HAPPY ST DAVID'S DAY (1st March).

    I also enjoyed this post. Thank you and God bless you.

  2. St. John Vianney pray for us!

  3. Makes you look at Sundays differently, doesn't it ladies.

    Mahalo BG. God bless you both.

  4. You are right on! It is so easy to get caught up in life! I feel for those who have to work on Sundays! Peace!

  5. Thanks Ladies. BTW, I take off Sundays from the computer and so far, I am enjoying my Sundays so much more.
