Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lent: Why the Christian Must Deny Himself |

Photo by Esther G.

We still ask ourselves as Ash Wednesday approaches, "What am I doing for Lent? What am I giving up for Lent?" We can be grateful that the customs of giving up something for Lent and abstaining from meat on Fridays during Lent have survived in our secular society. But, unfortunately, it is doubtful that many practice them with understanding. Many perform them in good faith and with a vague sense of their value, and this is commendable. But if these acts of self-denial were better understood, they could be practiced with greater profit. Otherwise, they run the risk of falling out of use.
Read the rest here


  1. This is so good!!

  2. Lovley post and great photo...made me glad to see a positive side to lent being spoken up for ! I get fed up of the "remarks" I get sometimes...ah well...heres to a beautiful lent for us all , Godbless

  3. Glad you both liked it.
