Monday, February 15, 2010

Feast of Blessed Michael Sopocko

"This is the visible help for you on earth.
He will help you to carry out My will on earth" (Diary, 53).

Divine Providence entrusted a very important role in St. Sister Faustina's mission to her confessor and spiritual director Fr. Michael Sopocko. During Sister Faustina's stay in Vilnius (Lithuania)
in the years 1933-1936, he was for her an irreplaceable help in discerning interior inspirations and visions. Obedient to his orders, she wrote a DIARY, which is an now an extraordinarily valuable document of Catholic mysticism. In the DIARY one can also find evidence of Fr. Sopocko's extraordinary character and his work in fulfilling the desires of the Lord Jesus.

"He is a priest after My own Heart
(...) Through him it pleases Me to proclaim
the worship of My mercy" (Diary, 1256).

"His thought is closely united with Mine, so be at peace about
what concerns My work. I will not let him make a mistake,
and you should do nothing without his permission" (Diary, 1408)
Source: St. Mary Faustina Kowalska: The Divine Mercy