Thursday, October 01, 2009

St. Michael, Defender of Children

St. Michael

St. Michael, Defender of Children
by Joseph Meaney

I was struck by a passage in scripture showing St. Michael the Archangel defending children. The Old Testament Book of Daniel relates the following:

But at that time Michael shall rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people: and a time shall come, such as never was from the time that nations began, even until that time. And at that time shall thy people be saved every one that shall be found written in the book. - Daniel 12:1

In what period of history have children, especially those waiting to be born, faced such tremendous threats to their lives? How is it possible that almost 2 billion children have been killed by surgical abortion worldwide since 1960 and the response of even pro-life people is so muted? Today there are countries like Russia where 52% of pregnancies end in abortion. Evil on this gigantic scale has to have a satanic origin, and St. Michael is the one who first defeated the Devil's plans.

Please join HLI in our prayer campaign to St. Michael the Archangel using the powerful prayer first given to the Church by Pope Leo XIII. The response so far has been extraordinary. We have had to print over 2.5 million prayer cards just to keep up with the requests from our website.
Read the rest here


  1. Wendy3:51 AM

    I believe that St Michael came back again, in another form, but with the same heart for children, and the same name. He was present in our lifetime, up until recently, but the world caused him pain. He was vilified, ridiculed, dragged before courts imposed by man for the sake of greed. He suffered much injustice for the sake of bringing hope and joy to children around the world. This shows that we haven't really learnt anything since Jesus walked the earth, for such good people suffer so.

  2. Wendy, could you please cite your source?
