Friday, October 30, 2009

Saintly Porters- Updated List

Saint Nuno de Braganza of Portugal
Updated: A big mahalo to Brother André Marie for telling me about Saint Nuno de Braganza of Portugal. He was another holy porter. Source

Is it just a coincidence that the lowly duty as a porter held by certain religious, produces holy saints?

1. Father Solanus Casey

Venerable Father Solanus CaseyPicture source and good article

2. Blessed Andre Bessette

Blessed Andre BessettePicture source and good article

3. Saint Faustina

Sister FaustinaPicture Source

4. Saint Padre Pio

Padre Pio

5. St. Alphonsus Rodriguez

"...after six months was sent to the recently-founded college at Majorca, where he remained in the humble position of porter for forty-six years..."

St. Alphonsus Rodriguez
Can you think of any other saint who was once a doorkeeper?


  1. Yes, I can think of others. How's about Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez (of Spain -- he sent Saint Peter Claver to Colombia)? Then there is Blessed (soon to be Saint, I believe) Nuno Braganza (of Portugal).

  2. Aloha Brother. I did post on St. Alphonsus Rodriguez but Bl. Nuno is a new one for me. Thank you!! I will update the list soon. God bless.

  3. Dear Esther,

    Immediately after I posted my comment, I saw that St. Alphonsus Rodriguez was there already. Needless to say, I felt foolish for the oversight.

    God bless you and may Our Lady watch over you

  4. No need to feel that way Brother. I really appreciate your assistance. God bless,
