Monday, August 24, 2009

What Makes Women Happy in their Marriages?

The Holy Family

Read it here Do you agree? Could you add anything to the list? I think the list pretty much summed it up for for me.

H/T Colleen Hammond

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  1. I do think that these make a woman happier in their marriage.
    As a personal question Esther; when your son leaves home someday do you plan to work outside the home? Now that Alex will begin Kindergarten Sept 8th many of my friends keep asking me what I'll do now that all four of my children will be in school.. as though I will stop having work that needs to be done in the home or something.. I never gave it much thought, I just figured that I would remain home and hopefully finally get caught up in all the things I can never get caught up in and also volunteer at the schools my children go to as well as finally do more volunteer work at our parish, I almost feel guilty. I have a great deal of respect for you and just wondered how you handle those type of questions if at all. thank you=)

  2. Hi Tracy:

    Right now, thank God, there really is no need for me to return to work. I worked 12 years as a legal secretary. I told my husband if I had to move so far away from home, I would do so but I would not work outside the home.

    I like being a homemaker.

    Even though Joey is in college now, I do want him and his father to come home to a meal ready for them, the house clean, pets taken care of, etc.

    To be honest, it hurts my feelings when people assume I have a life of leisure, esp. when it is someone from my own family. I used to defend myself. But now I don't say anything. I try to remember Christ's passion where he was silent no matter what abuses they made Him endure. I'm not comparing those little hurts with Jesus' passion but it helps put things in perspective.

  3. oh thank you so much Esther, I feel so much better!! I also have felt hurt by comments that I know were not meant to cause hurt but somehow I allowed them to let me doubt my role. I love being a homemaker and if the time should come that my husband would need my income I will happily go to work outside our home.. thanks.. I feel better:)

  4. That is how I feel Tracy. If my husband needs me, I will have to do it too. I'm glad to help.

  5. # 5 has not held true for our lives; we managed well while I worked, but I spent all my spare time with my husband(and son), doing things together. Even while working, my family was still my focus.

    It's much harder, more work physically and emotionally staying home! And I used to work with the criminal population, so that says a lot about a homemaker's workload and duties. ;)
