Friday, August 14, 2009


St. Gabriel

O’ Holy angel at my side Go to church for me Kneel in my place at Holy Mass Where I desire to be. At offertory in my stead Take all I am and own And place it as a sacrifice Upon the Altar throne. At Holy Consecration bell, Adore with Seraph’s love My Jesus hidden in the Host Come down from Heaven above. There pray for those I dearly love And those that cause me grief That Jesus’ blood may cleanse all hearts Give suffering souls relief. That when the priest Communion takes Then bring my Lord to me That His sweet heart may rest in mine And I His temple be. Pray that the sacrifice divine May all man’s sin efface Then bring me Jesus’ blessing home The pledge of every grace. Amen

Thank you Ed! Please visit Ed's blog for the touching story behind this beautiful prayer.

twitter / catholicmominHI


  1. I love this! :D That's what my sibs and I do when we're sick and stuck in the house!

  2. TY for sharing this prayer :)
    I posted a Spanish version on my blog

  3. That is wonderful CT and Pamela!
