Monday, August 10, 2009

Cardinal Arinze on the Topic of Altar Girls

H/T Sue of Half the Kingdom

twitter / catholicmominHI


  1. Anonymous1:41 AM

    makes SO SO SO much sense. And because it was a mistake, he must be rectofied by changing it and dimisish the mistake
    aloha and God bless, Lois

  2. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I have free dial-up and am not able to watch videos or listen to audios.

    What did he say?


  3. Hi Lois :-)

    I guess it would be up to the Holy Father.

    Hi Marian, basically that the altar boys serving helped in the call to the priesthood.

  4. BTW, Marian, Edna left a message for you. If you are able to email me, I will forward it to you or look under one of the Blue Army posts I have.
