Friday, August 21, 2009

Admissions Day - Happy Birthday Hawaii!

Hawaii 50

Governor Linda Lingle's Opening Remarks by Gov. Linda Lingle at today's statehood conference at the Convention Center

twitter / catholicmominHI


  1. Still such a baby! You are blessed to live in such a lovely state! Will you do something special to celebrate?

  2. Big Girl just did a report on Hawaii for school. I ought to scan it and post it so you can see!

  3. Dear Esther,
    You love your state don't you!!!
    Happy to 'see' you again.
    I do drop by but am often interupted to leave a comment.

    I have given you a loyalty award on my own blog.♥
    God Bless

  4. Happy Birthday Hawaii- wish I was there!

  5. Anne, I do feel truly blessed. There are many events planned but I am not sure which ones we will attend.

    Chris, I'd love to read it thank you.

    Thank you Gae. And yes, I do love this state.

    Thanks Kathy and Mimi.

  6. Gail4kidsnj@verizon.net12:47 PM

    Hi Esther,
    Happy Admissions Day! One of my uncles visited Hawaii, and raved about its beauty. Enjoy your dY.

  7. Haha, we celebrated by going to the beach at the northshore area, and had shave ice! :)

  8. CT, sounds good to me :-)
