Sunday, June 14, 2009

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

Feast of Corpus Christi
The Papal Procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi, engraved by Francois Alexandre Villain 1798-1884

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O my beloved Jesus, O God, who hast loved men with so exceeding love! what more canst Thou do to make Thyself loved by these ungrateful men?

Oh, if men loved Thee, all the churches would be continually filled with people prostrate on the ground adoring and thanking Thee, and burning with love for Thee at seeing Thee with the eyes of faith hidden in a tabernacle. But no; men, forgetful of Thee and of Thy love, are ready enough to court a man from whom they hope for some miserable advantage, while they leave Thee, O my Lord, abandoned and alone.

Oh that I could by my devotion make reparation for such ingratitude!

I am sorry that I also have hitherto been, like them, careless and ungrateful. But for the future I will not be so any longer, and I will devote myself to Thy service as much as I possibly can.

Do Thou inflame me with Thy holy love, so that from this day forth I may live only to love and to please Thee.

Thou deservest the love of all hearts. If at one time I have despised Thee, I now desire nothing bu to love Thee.

O my Jesus, Thou art my love and my only good, "my God and my all."

Most holy Virgin Mary, obtain for me I pray thee, a great love for the Most Holy Sacrament.

The Holy Eucharist by St. Alphonsus de Liguori
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