Sunday, May 03, 2009

Worthwhile Catholic Organization - Aid to the Church in Need

St. Joseph Patron Saint of the Universal Church
St. Joseph, Patron Saint of the Universal Church

I have been wanting to post about this worthwhile Catholic organization for quite some time now. It was my mother who first told me about the good work they do to help the suffering Church, the persecuted their name states...the Church in need.

The following is from their Mission Statement:
Our Mission

"You assure a fundamental service to the human person when he or she is deprived of an inalienable right to religious liberty."
— John Paul II

As an international Catholic charity under the guidance of the Holy Father, Aid to the Church in Need’s mission is to help suffering and persecuted faithful worldwide.

As the voice of the suffering Church, with the help of our ACN family of faithful — hundreds of thousands of concerned and committed Catholics worldwide — we reach out to assist people in need in over 145 countries. Each year, we fulfill more than 5,000 projects through our spiritual and material aid programs. Our shared goal: To help strengthen the Church and keep the Faith alive.

Where there is darkness and despair, we provide light, hope, and a constant sign that the Church is a dynamic, single, universal body in Christ.

Aid to the Church in Need

I want to thank Joe Iallonardo, Jr for contacting me about posting an article about the ACN. As mentioned above, I have been wanting to do this for a long time because I realize the urgent need to help.

A collection of photos from the work they do can be found here

The work they do and need to do is tremendous! This work cannot be done unless people like you and me help.

One way my mother has helped is in requesting Masses. You can find more information Mass Offerings
Through your Mass Offering, you bring God's compassion and love to your loved ones, but also hope to those who celebrate the Mass in Communion with the Saints. Rest assured that your Mass Stipend will be sent — in full — to a priest who will celebrate a Mass for your intentions.

Because of the Eucharist, our brothers and sisters put their lives at risk for the Gospel, defying fear and death. Your offering for a Mass fulfills many spiritual blessings in heaven and on earth.

In what other ways can we help? Glad you asked. The following are some ways you can help. Click for more details

1. Make a Donation

2. Pray for the Suffering Church

3. Spread the Word

4. Volunteering as a translator, etc.

5. Donations

I will be adding a link to the side bar for donations. Thank you for helping!

twitter / catholicmominHI

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