Saturday, May 16, 2009

Priest Arrested at Notre Dame

It was heartbreaking to see the way elderly Fr. Norman Weslin was treated and arrested.

H/T Jean

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  1. Shame on Notre Dame! SHAME on them! If I was sending one of my boys there, I wouldn't be next year! How can this happen in the United States of America? How can this happen on a Catholic university?

    I don't know how to say this, so I am just put it right out there: It is times like these when I ask myself, "THIS is what my husband is defending?! This is NOT the same country he signed up to serve. 20 years of our lives we will give so that our beliefs are not protected!"

    I am ashamed of our country today.

  2. This is a very upsetting video, and I'm only halfway through with my slow dial-up! Who was that horrible woman telling the priest, "Shame on you, Father." Could you be anymore heartless and respectful? That make me cry. You just don't treat the elderly like that, especially a Father.

    I think Notre Dame gone around the bend(sorry for the pun)! It's completely wacky - a Catholic(barely) university siding with the devil. I do have an old high school friend whom I've lost touch with over the years; I know she was graduated from Notre Dame in 1988, and I also heard she had become very liberal. I've wondered over the year if the university had influenced her in that way. It is very strange because her mother and father were devout Irish Catholics. Her mom first generation American, and I had never known her to be that way before she went to Notre Dame.

    I'm praying for a change of heart for Notre Dame and our president, and my prayers are with all these brave souls who have sacrificed for Life. Offering it up, all that I have.

  3. Oh, I finally understood what the woman was saying!? I think she was saying shame on Notre Dame. It was difficult to hear. Thanks for sharing...I've reposted.

  4. Tracy...sigh...I know how you feel.

    Good Alexandra.

  5. This is just too much. I just kept crying.

  6. Dear God! Where have we ended up, that we can treat a PRIEST like this!?!? I only watched for the first minute or two, I couldn't take it anymore...
    My heart hurts now.

  7. Thanks to you, Esther, and Jean! I posted it on my blog for priests.

    Esther, I was crying the whole time. God have mercy on all of us! Mary, pray for us!

  8. Ladies, I believe Father is 80 years old.
