Friday, May 01, 2009

Father Damien's Canonization Pilgrimage Tour

Blessed Damien
Our Lady of Peace Hawaii invites you to join Fr. Vince Inghilterra, F.S.D. on a Pilgrimage to Italy for the Canonization of Blessed Damien of Molokai and Blessed Jeanne Jugan Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

October 4th to October 21st, 2009

$2884 per person from Honolulu

With group coordinator Renee Kathe

Sample Day by Day Itinerary

Oct 4th Honolulu to Rome

Oct 5th Enroute

Oct 6th Arrive in Rome - Transfer Rome Airport to Assisi

Oct 7th Half day walking tour of Assisi

Oct 8th Optional trip to Sienna or Cascia or free day for exploration and reflection

Oct 9th Assisi - Orvieto - Rome

Oct 10th Full day sightseeing in Rome - AM Vatican Museums; PM Christian Rome

Oct 11th Vatican Transfers to and from Canonization ceremony

Oct 12th - Rome - Monte Casino - San Giovanni Rotondo

Oct 13th AM Monte S' Angelo PM San Giovanni Rotondo

Oct 14th San Giovanni Rotondo to visit Holy Face of Manoppello - Rome airport flight to Dubrovnik

Oct 15th - 20th Medjugorje

Oct 20th Split Frankfurt

Oct 21st Frankfurt - Honolulu
Fr. Vince
For more information visit Pilgrimages - Fr. Inghilterra

twitter / catholicmominHI


  1. Congratulations. Tomorrow is the Day of Damien in USA. You celebrate twice: on April and now. Congratulations too for the cheap pilgrimage you got. In Texas, taking less days, it is one thousand dollars more expensive. God bless you. Emilio

  2. Mahalo for the reminder Fr. Emilio!
