Friday, May 01, 2009

Devotion to Mary, The Mother of God in the Month of May

Our Lady
The month of May is traditionally dedicated to the Mother of God and our blessed Mother Mary.

It must please God immensely when we show honor and devotion to His dear mother.

The following are some Marian devotions which are some of my family's favorites:

- Pray the Holy Rosary daily, especially with your family. What better way to reflect on the life of Christ through scripture, than through the 20 mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

- Recitation of the Regina Coeli during Eastertide and the The Angelus, the rest of the year. These prayers are traditionally recited at 6:00 A.M., 12 noon and 6:00 P.M.

- Being enrolled and wearing the Our Lady of Mount Carmel's Brown Scapular

- First Saturday Devotions

In particular the following are two good ways of honoring our Blessed Mother during the month of May:

- May Crowning

- Mary's Garden

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