Saturday, February 21, 2009


Mother Marianne Cope's Gravesite
Blessed Mother Marianne Cope's Gravesite on Kalaupapa
Photo by Esther

As you may know, today at 10 a.m. HST, a press conference will be held. Bishop Silva will be announcing Father Damien's canonization date via telephone from Rome.

In related news, there is a move by a group to raise funds for a memorial dedicated to the patients at Kalaupapa.

It is interesting that this sacred land (Kalaupapa and Kalawao) to both Hawaiians, Catholics, etc., and who will honored to have to two soon-to-be canonized saints, is state land.

It is unknown what the future is for this small section of Moloka'i, but pray that the Hawaii State government shows it the honor and respect it truly deserves and has earned and for a long time now has been a site of pilgrimages.

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