Monday, February 23, 2009

"I'm a Daddy to a Nun"

This one has bittersweet memories for my family.
That day she left me early
I was feeling mighty blue,
Just a-thinking how I’d miss her
And the things she used to do.

But now, somehow it’s different­
With each rising of the sun,
And my heart is ever singing:
“I’m the daddy of a nun.”

Since to err is only human,
There’s a whole lot on the slate
That I’ll have to make account for
When I reach the golden gate.

But then I’m not a-worrying
About the deeds I’ve done,
I’ll just whisper to St. Peter:
“I’m the daddy of a nun.”
(Posted by Sr. Judith Miryam, O.P.)
Moniales OP

Shared by Sue

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