Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Great Aloha Run for Vocations

Bishop Silva
Photo shared by Ann K. and taken by Bro. Bob

Bishop and Fr. Daren
Photo shared by Ann K. and taken by Bro. Bob

Photo shared by Ann K. and taken by Bro. Bob

Photo shared by Ann K. and taken by Brother Bob

Fr. Daren Aloha Run
Photo by Fr. Daren Zehnle

Even though my family and I were too lazy to get up at the crack of dawn for a very worthy cause, our prayers were with all the runners. Here are some links to photos taken on President's Day. My family will be participating next year...God willing.

Easter's AKUA Run/Walk for Vocations

Fr. Peter's AKUA Run/Walk for Vocations Diocese of Honolulu

Fr. Daren's AKUA Run for Vocations

Charity Therese's Aloha Run

One thing I noticed when folks commented, it was that Bishop Silva was fast!!!


  1. Esther,
    Sweet morning to you!
    Thank you for the post and letting others know about the poem. I really appreciate it. :-)
    I hope to see you later. :-)
    Much love to you...

  2. Bishop was really fast!!! He was in front of everyone for the first mile, but then he stopped at the first restroom station, so we ended up meeting with him around the finish line. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to put up pictures on my blog...for some reason, I can't transfer all the photos I took from Cy's cellphone. I'll be sure to post something about it though...soon, I hope :-)

  3. Great pictures for a wonderful vocation!!

  4. Wow what a worth cause indeed! Enjoying your posts as always!

  5. YW Easter.

    CT, I usually email myself the photos from my cell phone.

    Thanks Tracy and SM :-)
