Friday, February 06, 2009

Fine Art Friday - Pietro Vannucci "Perugino"

Mary, Jesus and John the Baptist
Madonna and Child With Saints

The Resurrection
Jesus' Resurrection

Archangel St. Michael
The Archangel St. Michael

Keys to St. Peter
Jesus Giving Keys to Peter
15th Century, Sistine Chapel

St. Sebastian
St. Sebastian 1495 Louvre Museum, Paris

Combat Between Love and Chastity
The Combat Between Love and Chastity

St. Augustine
St. Augustine

St. Mary Magdalene
Saint Mary Magadalene c 1500

Self Portrait - detail from the Sistine Chapel crowd scene

Pietro Perugino (1446–1524) was the leading painter of the Umbrian school, who developed some of the qualities that found classic expression in the High Renaissance.

There are so many more beautiful works by Perugino. These are the ones I chose for this week's FAF.


  1. Awesome as always Esther... I really love the Madonna and child as well as St. Michael.. those two just really stood out for me:)

  2. I always love your fine arts Friday! This weeks is especially wonderful! Thank you! Cathy

  3. I liked those as well Tracy. Thanks to both of you for your kind comments.

  4. Thanks for sharing! That St. Sebastian painting was one of my favorites as a child.

  5. Yes, that was a good one.
