Friday, February 27, 2009

Fiat of the Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

"Every day, but particularly in Lent, Christians must face a struggle, like the one that Christ underwent in the desert of Judea, where for 40 days he was tempted by the devil, and then in Gethsemane, when he rejected the most severe temptation, accepting the Father's will to the very end.

It is a spiritual battle waged against sin and finally, against Satan. It is a struggle that involves the whole of the person and demands attentive and constant watchfulness." ~~~Pope Bendict XVI, March 1, 2006
The above is from He Gently Calls Us. It's nice to have Kay blogging again.


  1. thanks so much for sharing this- excellent post!

  2. Glad you liked it as much as I did Squelly.
