Friday, January 09, 2009

The Spiritual and Psychological Value of Frequent Confession


Judging by the drastic drop in confessions in countries like the United States, the false opinion is gaining ground that Confession is not to be received, or made, frequently.

No doubt, one reason for this sad state of affairs is the prevalence of some wild theories about mortal sin. For example, the Fundamental Option theory claims that no mortal sin is committed unless a person totally rejects God. Who but the devil hates God? One adultery or one abortion is not a mortal sin. On these grounds, there are parishes in which almost no one goes to Confession.
Read the rest at The Real Presence's Fr. John Hardon Archives

Shared by Half the Kingdom


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Confession is a beautiful gift/treasure of our Catholic faith. I feel so renewed as a result . . . plus my parish always has a waiting line! Roz

  2. That is wonderful Roz! My family and I feel like that too. My son used to say he felt "squeaky clean" :-)
