Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Adoration Chapel
Adoration Chapel, St. Therese's Co-Cathedral, Honolulu
Photo by Esther

How wonderful is the silence of Christ in the Tabernacle
Silence is the greatest lesson ever preached
Silence under irritation:
Silence under criticism:
Silence under disappointment:
Silence when rebuffed:
Silence under ingratitude:
Silence under jealousy in oneself:
Silence under the jealousy of others:
Silence under disloyalty:
Silence when self-pleased:
Silence in sorrows of all kinds.

No practice seems of more value than silence.
It gives the impression of latent force.
It wins confidence.
It secures deference.
A judicious reserve clothes a person with an air of mystery,
often the most interesting aspect of personality.

SILENCE has also a positive quality in forebearance.
There are forbearances of speech that constitute most effective replies;
which work persuasion that a torrent of eloquence cannot accomplish.


Shared by Sue


  1. How difficult to attain it. What a blessing when I practice it.

    Thank you for the reminder,


  2. When I posted recently about speaking my mind too much, a reader told me to begin a new mantra..
    (say as little as possible)
    This has helped me to remember that silence is often the strongest message of all.

  3. Esther, that is a picture of a beautiful place I know!

  4. It's a good reminder for everyone. Thanks for your comments ladies.
    PS: Laura, I love that reminder.
    PPS. Easter, yup!
