Friday, January 02, 2009

Saintly Quote - Embracing Tribulations

Winter Girl
Great indeed are the advantages of tribulations. The Lord sends them to us, not because He wishes our misfortune, but because He desires our welfare. When they come upon us, we must embrace them with thanksgiving, and must not only resign ourselves to the divine will, but must also rejoice that God treats us as He treated His Son Jesus Christ, whose life on this earth was always full of tribulations.
- St. Alphonsus Liguori

Shared by Half the Kingdom


  1. This is a beautiful quote and one that I embrace. It is good to remember that until we can accept adversity with the same Spirit of Joy as good fortune then we shall always remain, but little children.

    God knows his business and that is to care for our souls...In all things, God is Good.

    Peace, and much love to you my dear Esther,

    Marie xoxoxooxo

  2. A wonderful reflection!
    It truly is HARD to embrace tribulation. Thank you! Cathy

  3. Marie, that is what we are trying to do. It is hard but it is the right thing to do.

    Sure is Cathy, I agree.
