Friday, January 23, 2009

Highlights from Hawaii Rally and March for Life 2009

Knights of Columbus Processing with the U.S. Flag and Hawaii State Flag

Fr. Marc
Vicar General Fr. Marc Alexander

Bishop and Karen
Bishop Silva and Hawaii Right to Life Director Karen DiConstanzo

Lt. Governor
Lt. Governor Duke Aiona

Bishop Silva
Bishop "Larry" Silva

Leon and Mike Gabbard
Hawaiian pro-life song written and performed by Leon and State Senator Mike Gabbard

Lt. Gov. and Mrs. Aiona
Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona and Mrs. Vivian Aiona

Fr. Gary Secor
Father Gary Secor giving offering the benediction

Rabbi Vargas
Rabbi Daniel Vargas blowing the shofar calling for the march to start

The March
Gathering for the March for Life by Fr. Damien's statue

Catholic Pro-life Marchers
Pro-life Marchers
The Marchers

We had the biggest crowd yet at yesterday's Hawaii March for Life. My family and I have been attending for over 10 years now so I can personally attest to the growth. Joey was responsible for taking the photos for Hawaii Right to Life so there aren't any family photos available for me to share with you.

The young people were very enthusiastic in shouting out for life! If there were any counter-protestors present this year, these young pro-lifers probably drowned them out.

It's a shame that our local media chose to ignore the rally and march for life.

More photos will be posted later at the Hawaii Right to Life blog.


  1. This is very heartening indeed, Esther. The photos are great - well done in capturing so much of the atmosphere. To have been involved for 10 years must mean that you have seen things grow and if the media chose to ignore it, the Spirir will always find ways to get the good news to those who have ears to hear!

  2. I will definitely be joining in next year! We move there in April or May - just waiting on my husband to decide exactly when and then the military will issue tickets etc. I can't wait!!

  3. Esther...You know...I had forgotten that Bishop Larry Silva used to be the pastor of a church in California that I attended...St. John the Baptist in El Cerrito. I lived in the Bay Area for 32 years before I came here. He is a great person...and a great least as I remember.

  4. Ann, Thank you!

    Sarah, I look forward to seeing you and your family at the next march.

    Nancy, what a small world!

  5. Esther,

    I was there! In fact I was standing right behind you briefly when the march first started. I wanted to say Hi and introduce myself and let you know I am a regular reader of your blog, but I was too shy. Ha ha. This was my first March For Life and I was SO GLAD to be a part of it. I too was disheartened to see that our local media did not cover it at all. It was wonderful to see so many young people involved in the event. Will you be participating in the 40 Days For Life campaign here in Hawaii as well?

  6. Christine!!! I wish you had said hi. I would have love to meet you in person. I am so glad you made it out there. It was so great seeing so many people. Yes, I hope to participate in 40 days. How about you? Maybe we can meet up then too.
