Monday, January 26, 2009

Ceremony purges White House of evil spirits

The following was sent to me by Lois. I did not know what to make of this because at first I thought this was a joke. Apparently, it is not.
...On Monday, January 19th at 6:00 pm, hundreds gathered at Dupont Circle for this frivolous, yet remarkable, ceremony. A shaman was there to perform the ceremony. Rabbi Sharon Klein delivered the invocation. Together with organizer, Kate Clinton, they took on the gargantuan task of cleansing the White House of evil spirits...
Of course, there needs to be some Catholic-bashing...
Our purpose here tonight is to celebrate the end of the Bush regime with the saging of the White House”, bellowed Kate Clinton, kicking off the event before a crowd of about 2000 people.

...Just before the ceremony Clinton fired up the crowd by introducing a mock chant like Catholics do during mass. She would chant/sing distasteful parts of the Bush legacy and the crowd would sing back, “Na na naa na, na na naa na, hey hey hey. Goooobyyyye!”...

...No one is certain whether the event occurred in close enough proximity to the White House to have any effect...
Ironically, it wasn't the White House under President Bush that was possessed...


  1. Jewish mysticism is linked to witchcraft. It's highly probably that the female rabbi who was part of this "cleansing" is an adherent to that kind of mysticism.

  2. argh.. very odd!!

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    On the other hand, President Obama's approval ratings have dropped 15 points from last week's.
    I feel so sad about the state of our nation under the guidance of this administration.

  4. Charlotte, who knows...

    Tracy, I agree, but somehow, not surprising.

    Gail, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for telling me.

  5. What utter BALONEY! What next sacrifice a goat or something?

    I have just written my own piece on the similarities between Obama and the Nazi philosophy for those who still dont get it.

    Every person who voted for Obama has blood on their hands! For shame!

    Peace and love to you Esther:)

    Marie xooxoxox

  6. PS: Perhaps we should send these people a rabbits foot...Oh that's right PETA would be up in arms..Society can kill babies but NOT an animal! Where are their priorities?


    Marieex xoxooxox

  7. Oh, my goodness.... I don't know what to say. Except that I don't remember the Republicans EVER behaving in such a juvenile and disrespectful way toward the a Democrat leaving the White House. And there have been some pretty poor Democratic regimes that have exited those doors...

  8. Anonymous9:06 AM

    This is a disgrace! Am I the only one outraged by this?


  9. Ladies, you have all made excellent points. No Marian, you are not the only one who is outraged.
