Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mele Kalikimaka

Merry Christmas Everybody!


  1. And a very happy and holy Christmas to you, Esther!

  2. Love the preview of Hawaii! Can you tell me which parish you recommend as being the most traditional on Oahu? We'll be moving there for a three year tour in May. I would stick with the military chapels, but . . . I'd rather a REAL Church where the Blessed Sacrament isn't locked up in some dark room. You can email me at oldhamdj (at) comcast (dot) net if you like. I'd appreciate any advice whatsoever.

    Mele Kalikimaka to you, too!

  3. And to you, dearest Esther. :-)
    My sister-in-law, Joe's older sister is here...

    May your preparations for the birth of Christ be joyful as ever...

    Love to you, Esther!
    p.s. I know when your birthday is! :-)

  4. Merry Christmas too, and thank you for posting the great song and video of Christmas Hawaiian-style! Loved it!

    Love, Roz

  5. Merry Christmas to you as well! I hope you don't mind - I borrowed your beautiful advent wreath picture.

  6. i love that bing crosby song....it is one that tends to stick in your mind! = )
    merry christmas. and yes, i still wanted to be added to the hs blog list. i am in sunny california. thanks esther. God bless.

  7. Merry Christmas to you, Esther! Thank you for the gift of your wonderful blog!

  8. Merry Christmas, Esther.

  9. Merry Christmas Aunty Esther!! :-D

  10. Merry Christmas, Aunty Esther!!!

  11. Merry Christmas, Esther! That always was a favorite song growing up. I would love to see Christmas in Hawaii.



  12. Thank you dear Ann!

    Sarah, there is a TLM celebrated on Sundays at Blessed Sacrament Pauoa.
    IMHO all our churches are all truly Catholic.

    Easter, thanks my dear Easter! :-)

    Glad you enjoyed it Roz! TY.

    TY Alexandra, sure be my guest.

    Regan, I've added your blog.

    Vicki, Adrienne, CT, Cy and Julie, thank you!
