Friday, December 05, 2008

I Think He's Right...We Are Spoiled!

H/T to Mama Says


  1. Esther!!!!

    This is SO true and I am guilty of it!!! I remember once when we had a power black out that lasted for over an hour. I was so incensed that I wanted to drive to the power company and let them know how IRATE I was that we had NO power for 2 solid hours..How SPOILT is that?!

    What could I have done while waiting for those two hours? I could have sat out in the sunshine and read a book on spirituality. Did I? NO! I could have gone to my room or outside and prayed. Did I? NO!..Instead I sat and fumed that we had NO power!

    Wow! This is a much needed wake up call for me personally THANK YOU Esther! We really DO need to regain a sense of WONDER of all that exists in the world.

    Peace and love to you my friend:)

    Marie xooxoxooxoxo

  2. Marie, I agree with you. I think I'd like to go back to a simpler time too.

    Peace and love my friend,
