Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Petition of Prayers to the Aborted Children for this Election

Guardian Angel
H/T to Maureen Wittmann
A friend sent this to me and I thought I'd pass it on. I wouldn't have thought of this myself -- it's a wonderful idea.

I shared the following inspiration with someone today and she told me that it was a great idea and that we should try to spread it quickly. So here it is - we should petition all the aborted babies in Heaven to intercede for us in this election.

There are millions of them, and so precious to God, can you imagine the power?????

In addition to prayer and fasting, the intercession of these little ones can be a powerful secret weapon that the other side could certainly never use.

"Victory in war does not depend upon the size of the army, but on strength that comes from Heaven." (1Maccabees 3:19)

If you think this is a good idea, please pass it along to as many people as you can.

Fr. Drabik

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