Sunday, November 09, 2008

A List-Loving Priest's 4 Top Ten Lists

The following is also from Fr. Philip Powell, O.P.:

The following is my favorite list:
My Top Ten Liturgical Acts That Should Be Punished by Public Beating:

1). holding hands during the Our Father (not a real liturgical gesture)

2). improvised Eucharistic prayers ("Say the black, do the red, Father!")

3). omitting the Gloria on Sundays and other solemnities (pure laziness)

4). pronoun shuffle to avoid using male pronouns (forced participation in a political experiment)

5). editing the Creed to make it politically correct, theologically dodgy (ditto)

6). using the homily to ask for money (throw hymnals at pastors who do this)

7). saying "Good morning, everyone!" after the "Lord be with you" (doesn't trust the liturgy)

8). making imperatives into statements: "The Lord IS with you" (pretentious theology)

9). universalizing prayers, e.g. as in "Blessed are WE who are called to THIS supper"

10). funky priestly gestures, e.g. waving the host around at the consecration (stop that!)
As for #1. Even, if I clasp my hands together, close my eyes, there will always be someone who will nudge me to hold hands ;-)

Also for #1, when everyone has their arms raised up except the priest!


  1. 1). holding hands during the Our Father (not a real liturgical gesture)


  2. We hold hands at our Parish, we go along with it simply not to make a big fuss out of explaining why we won't be holding hands.
    I always have the idea that I'll go along with the Parish on these type of things. If I'm visiting a parish that doesn't hold hands then we don't, or if we visit a parish that still kneels after communion then we kneel, etc. I really, really wish it was the SAME one way or another in All Catholic Parishes everywhere and not this mixed stuff:)

  3. Love this list!!

    Totally agree with them - some I don't understand, I must admit. I *can't stand* when ppl hold up their arms as the priest does!!

  4. The worst I saw was girls dancing around the Altar dressed in sheets and waving tapers!!!! It looked like a Roman pagan festival!

    As for holding hands that never happens here....I would not like that to be honest.

    Great list Esther:)

    Peace and much love to you:)

    Marie xoxooxoxo

  5. Great list Esther!

    I can't stand it when certain parish's stand from the moment you are supposed to 'kneel', right to the end of the mass!
    So they are standing during the consecration...I certainly don't join in!
    The priest gets really uncomfortable...cos my family and myself are kneeling, and he KNOWS that we know he is setting the WRONG example.
    I also can't stand it when you enter a church, and everyone is talking loudly...there is no prayer or respect, even the priest chats away to the people up the back before he walks down to start mass.
    Sometimes I feel that the talking during the mass can be louder than if you enter a library!!!!

  6. One of my pet peeves is when the person next to me grabs my hand during the Our Father - not my thing. With our recently merged parish, there is so much holding/raising of hands that I can't stand it. And they look at us (from our former parish) like we're doing something wrong by not holding/raising hands. Ugh!!!

  7. Anna, I guess you don't like to hold hands either ;-)

    Tracy, if someone offers to hold my hand, I do for the same reason and I also don't want to hurt their feelings. However, the other day I drew the line when the lady in front of me turned around for me to hold my hand in such an awkward position, that I had to say no.

    Shelly, I don't think they are supposed to do the "Orans" Position. Only the priest is. It is my understanding, not even a deacon can.

    Marie, that would be so distracting... among other things ;-)

    Gina, The talking drives me batty too but I do try to keep inner peace and focus on the Blessed Sacrament.

  8. Ellen, I had a friend ask me why I don't hold hands since it's the custom here (in Hawaii). I explained to her that we aren't really supposed to be holding hands. But I don't think it made a difference.

  9. Anonymous12:45 PM

    "6). using the homily to ask for money (throw hymnals at pastors who do this)"

    I REALLY REALLY don't like this. I am giving all I can this year, and I don't need to be constantly reminded 3 out or 4 Sundays, and every Sunday includes a second offereing. *SIGH*

    But even worse, dh, stationed overseas for a year without his family, had to endure a "homily" this weekend that "Sang the Praises" of Obama. He just raved and went on and on about what good changes Obama was going to make for this country. And I told dh that he should have asked him after Mass if those great changes included Obama's support of infanticide? I mean, it's one thing for a priest to encourage his flock to pray for the president, for a conversion, for this country, etc. But to say he is going to make great changes without talking about what the Church actually teaches? It's frustrating when you know half the ppl at Mass may have voted for Obama. It's worse when our so called Shepherds have jumped on the Obama Wagon.

    Lord have mercy on this country!

    God Bless,

  10. I know what you mean Tracy. My sister was appalled to hear a priest praising the election results because a Black man had been elected president.
