Friday, November 21, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Tribute to Peggy Chun

Peggy Chun

...She died Wednesday night, surrounded by family, succumbing after six years to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the disease that had progressively robbed her of mobility, communication and the ability to breathe on her own.

Throughout those six years she was a signpost for a good life — a life of generosity, humor, zest, resilience, sensitivity, passion, insight, deep inner strength and sense of adventure.

Chun has left Hawai'i a legacy of her artwork — she was known for her watercolors of Island life, her whimsical paintings and loving portraits of Mother Marianne Cope and Father Damien. But perhaps even more importantly, she has left a legacy of how to smile at and with life in all its ups and downs, and how to fully embrace the preciousness of our time on Earth, whatever challenges it holds for us...
The Honolulu Advertiser

Eternal rest grant unto Peggy O Lord, and may Your perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.

Mother Marianne Cope Chun
Mother Marianne Cope
This is our family's favorite Peggy Chun painting...
well this one and Boo next to a surfboard

Sweet Lokelani
Sweet Lokelani

Paddling to Church
Paddling to Church

Boo in a Bowl
Boo in a Bowl
This is first painting Ms. Chun ever painted of her beloved cat Boo

Picture source Peggy Chun


  1. Thank you for this post, Esther. I have had the privilege of meeting her at the Divine Mercy Conference held 2 years ago (yes, you were there!) Praise God for the way she glorified God through her life and through her paintings!

  2. What beautiful water colors! But then I love island art, especially Hawaiian. Thanks for sharing this artist's life. May she rest in peace. I love the cat in the bowl...I'll have to go search out more.

  3. What beautiful art. May her Memory be Eternal.

  4. Thank you for giving tribute to such a fine woman and artist:)

  5. Easter, thanks for reminding me that she was indeed scheduled to make an appearance there. I don't know how I missed meeting her but I did. I did have email communication with her d-i-l.

    Alexandra, Mimi, I am happy to know that you like her beautiful work!

    Thanks Tracy.

  6. Since 1991 I've carried from Hawaii-Australia 4 times a painting by Peggy Chun titled 'Greek Greens' I met an artist putting up her display at Hilton and she showed it to me - ah! tranquility, peace & heaven,"May I buy it?" I asked but Peggy, asked if she could frame it up for me & deliver it to me. I lived in HNL and many places in Australia & 'Greek Greens' still is hung first, then Oops, and several other 'Puss' ones - and of course Udder Nonsense!. I was not aware Peggy had gone to the place she gave me in "Greek Greens" - it's heaven-mediteranean style a beautiful Greek Orthadox church with the God's beauty applied as only Peggy could with love. RIP.

  7. Thank you for sharing that Rael.
