Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"On this Issue, I will Not Yield; Planned Parenthood Will Not Yield"

...from Senator Obama's own mouth.

From America's Choice Now and shared by reader Ernesto.


  1. Amen to 'health of the mother' how overused is that statement and yet it is what the abortions use all the time and I do mean 'use'. What about the mental difficulties for women, who go through terrible depression after their abortions which was supposed to 'free' them.

    Obama is for DEATH.

    It is that SIMPLE.

    Vote for LIFE.

    Vote for McCain/Palin.

    Peace and love to you Esther:) Keep fighting the Good Fight.

    Marie oxooxoxoxo PS: I wish the Rick Warren interview would be re-broadcast. He is the ONLY one who put Obama on the spot!

  2. I guess those who are advocates for a mother's health don't want to know about Bl. Gianna Molla.
    BTW, Marie, I'm sure you can find that video on YouTube.
    Peace and Love my friend.
