Monday, October 06, 2008

New Blog - American Politics From a Catholic Perspective

One Nation Under God

Check out a this new blog American Catholic

As Tito, one of the contributors and founder of the blog writes:

...I have assembled twelve bright, engaging, thoughtful, and faithful Catholics to blog on American politics from a Catholic perspective. This new blog is called American Catholic.

We hope to share our Catholic faith in the public square of politics and culture for the betterment of the common good.

I am personally contacting you about this new development. Yes, there are some Catholic blogs/websites that cater to politics, but what separates us from them is the proficiency of our posts with fidelity to Catholic teaching. We hope (I want) to make a major impact in the public discussion of politics not only in the Catholic blogosphere, but in the Political blogosphere as well. We have answered the call from the Second Vatican Council to positively engage the world with the teachings of the Catholic Church...


  1. Thank you Esther for promoting this new endeavor!

    In Jesus, Mary, & Joseph,


  2. YW Tito. Keep up the good work.
