Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just For a Minute

Jesus and Mary
Picture source from a lovely new site I've recently discovered Holy Reflections

I remember when I was only four,
Mother would bring me round to the store.
And just outside of the church she'd stand,
And "Come in," she'd say, reaching down
for my hand,
"Just for a minute."

And then when I started going to school,
She'd bring me down every day as a rule,
But first the steps to the church we'd climb,
And she'd say, "We'll go in -- you've always
got time,
Just for a minute".

Then I got real big, I mean seven years old,
And I went by myself but was always told:
"When you're passing the church, don't forget
to call
And tell our Lord about lessons and all,
Just for a minute".

And now it's sort of a habit I've got,
In the evening coming home from Casey's lot,
Though it takes me out of my way a bit,
To slip into church with my bat and mitt,
Just for a minute.

But sometimes I see the other fellow
Standing around, and I just go yellow.
I pass by the door but a Voice form within
Seems to say, real sad, "So you wouldn't
come in
Just for a minute?"

There are things inside of me, bad and good,
That nobody knows and nobody could,
Excepting our Lord -- and I like Him to
And He helps when in for a visit I go,
Just for a minute.

He finds it lonesome when nobody comes
(There are hours upon hours when nobody comes),
And He's pleased when anyone passing by
Stops in (though it's only a little guy)
Just for a minute.

I know what happens when people die,
But I won't be scared, and I'll tell you why:
When our Lord is judging my soul, I feel
He'll remember the times I went in to kneel
Just for a minute.

Imprimatur: +Richard Cardinal Cushing
Archbishop of Boston
St. Anthony Guild, Paterson, NJ

From an old holy card I found in my old prayer book.


  1. Love this:) There is such PEACE to be found in silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament:).

    Peace, JOY & Much love to you Esther:)

    Marie xooxoxoxo

  2. Very nice Esther!!

  3. Marie, that is where I found the Holy Card, during our Holy Hour of Adoration.
    Peace and much love to you too.

    Tracy, I'm glad you liked it.
