Thursday, October 16, 2008

40 Days for Life, Rosary Procession and Planned Parenthood

On Saturday October 13th, Catholic from all over the State joined the country in praying the Rosary publicly. One such public Rosary was prayed in front of the Honolulu Planned Parenthood.

Before the Rosary


Public Rosary 3

Public Rosary 2

Public Rosary

Silent Prayer and Protest

Pray to End Abortion
As you can see from the photos, the participants were respectful, quiet, and prayerful. That did not stop an employee of Planned Parenthood to come out and instruct us not to block the sidewalk... which was not blocked. She did not stop at that. She actually called the police to complain.

The police officer saw for himself that no sidewalk was blocked and soon after left.

Unblocked Sidewalk

If you read 40 Days National Campaign Director David Bereit's blog yesterday, you read about the ploy by Planned Parenthood to put fear in the 40 Days participants in making them think they are actually helping Planned Parenthood raise money.

Within days of the start of 40 Days for Life the Planned Parenthood in Honolulu greeted us, with a poster stating how much money our protest was making for them. As of yesterday, the amount of $4250.00. Now, the participants here were pretty sure this number could not possible be true. And, now I am sure of it.

So, if you are a 40 Days participant who is afraid you are earning Planned Parenthood money by your participation, please read David's blog post and as Pope John Paul II often reminded us "Be Not Afraid".

More photos will be posted at the Hawaii Right to Life Blog


  1. If this organization is 'so right' why do they feel threatened by a few people with signs? Could it be that they also KNOW Truth when they see it and read it and so are terrified that others too will see this self same Truth. That every person has a right to life..I say persons because the unborn are PEOPLE.

    God bless you Esther and those courageous people willing to put their Faith and the unborn FIRST.

    Peace and much love to you always:)

    Marie xooxoxoxo

  2. It's the anger and hatred I don't understand Marie.
