Tuesday, October 07, 2008

40 Days for Life Honolulu and Public Rosary This Saturday

40 Days for Life Honolulu has given the Catholics in Hawaii permission to pray the Rosary in public, this Saturday, October 11th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, in front of Planned Parenthood, 1350 King Street, Honolulu, HI. We will begin to assemble at approximately 1:30 p.m.

It is a day that America Needs Fatima has called for a public Rosary Rally to be held nationwide. It is also the month of our Lady of the Holy Rosary and also Respect for Life month. And, more importantly, we can ask our mother to guide our hands when we vote this coming November. What better way to ask for our Lady's protection of the unborn, than to pray together as a group, her Holy Rosary.

I hope you will make a special effort (and sacrifice) to join others on that day. This will be a collective effort on the part of Catholics who want to participate in the 40 Days for Life Honolulu. Please tell your friends and family members to make every effort to attend.

If you do plan to be there, please email me privately.

We will need volunteers to lead a decade of the Rosary and for other little tasks.

On this feast day of our Lady of the Rosary, WE HAVE TO TURN IN PRAYER LIKE THE BATTLE OF LEPANTO.
Battle of Lepanto

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