Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Saintly Quote - The Essence of Love is Humility

St. Therese
I understood too that the love of our Lord is revealed in the simplest soul who offers no resistance to His grace as well as in the most sublime soul. In fact, since the essence of love is humility, if all souls were like those of the learned saints who have illuminated the Church by the light of their teaching, it would seem as if God would not have very far to descend in coming to their hearts. But He has created the baby who knows nothing and whose only utterance is a feeble cry; He has created people who have only the law of nature to guide them; and it is their hearts that He deigns to come down to, those are His flowers of the field whose simplicity delights him. In coming down in that way the good God proves His infinite greatness.

Just as the sun shines at the same time on cedar trees and on each little flower as if it was the only one on earth, so our Lord takes special care of each soul as if it was His only care.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Shared by Sue


  1. I do so wish I could be so humble...Isn't it wonderful that God sends us such models to let us know it is possible? Thank you! This was beautiful! Cathy

  2. This is very good Esther:)

  3. Sure is Cathy!

    Thanks Tracy.
