Friday, August 08, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Fra Angelico

Self Portrait
Self Portrait

Noli me tangere
Noli Me Tangere

The Crucifixion

Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Madonna and Child and Saints
Madonna and Child

The Transfiguration

Madonna and Angels
Madonna and the Angels

The Betrothal
Betrothal of the Mary and Joseph

The Annunication
The Annunciation

A famous painter of the Florentine school, born near Castello di Vicchio in the province of Mugello, Tuscany, 1387; died at Rome, 1455. He was christened Guido, and his father's name being Pietro he was known as Guido, or Guidolino, di Pietro, but his full appellation today is that of "Blessed Fra Angelico Giovanni da Fiesole"...
New Advent's Fra Angelico

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