Friday, June 27, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Nursing Madonna and Child

According to Cath News
Vatican art critics want to see more images of Mary breastfeeding the baby Jesus as a sign that God "truly became flesh".

The Daily Mail quotes an article in L'Osservatore Romano as declaring that it is time to undo four centuries of Church disapproval of traditional representations of Mary as an earthy, fleshy mother doting on her newborn son.
Therefore, this week's Fine Art Friday will showcase works of art of the Nursing Madonna by famous artists.

Some photo sources

Maria Lactans
Maria Lactans - Andrea Solari

MC Icon
MC Guido Reni
Madonna and Child - Guido Reni

MC unknown
Unknown Artist of the Ferrarese School

MC Artmesia
Madonna and Child - Artemisia Gentileschi

MC Davinci
Madonna Litta - Leonardo da Vinci


  1. I love your fine-art fridays. This one is lovely, showing a real baby like behaviour and real mum behaviour. The second one is the 'sore boob Madonna' going by her facial expression :)

  2. Anonymous10:22 AM

    OH, what a beautiful idea! I really love this post! Could Christ be any more human than when nursing at His mother's bosom?

  3. You're so funny WS. I'm glad you like these Friday posts.

    Thanks for commenting L.

  4. Anonymous6:30 AM

    These images are very reassuring during our 4 am feedings! (new mom)

  5. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Hope you got some rest.
