Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Saintly Quote - The Catholic Church

Shared by Sue

The Catholic Church, having received the apostolic teaching and faith, though spread over the whole world, guards it sedulously, as though dwelling in one house; and these truths she uniformly teaches, as having but one soul and one heart; these truths she proclaims, teaches, and hands down as though she had but one mouth.
~ St. Irenaeus in the second century


  1. The Catholic Church, having received the apostolic teaching and faith, though spread over the whole world, guards it sedulously, as though dwelling in one house; and these truths she uniformly teaches, as having but one soul and one heart; these truths she proclaims, teaches, and hands down as though she had but one mouth.

    WOW! Isnt the Holy Spirit great!

    I read in the paper today how a Parish had begun a petition to keep a particular Priest. When that Priest was transferred it began a wave of discontent especially when the Bishop reminded the Faithful that the Church is NOT a democracy.

    This comes to obedience. we MUST be obedient to the Church even if we dont understand the why's and wherefore's. I feel for this community because now a spirit of bitterness has entered the Parish.

    I revised an old post I wrote a while back about this very subject.

    Thanks for the quote Esther:).

    Peace & love to you:)

    Marie xoxooxo

  2. Marie, I am always amazed that people think a petition would sway the Catholic Church. I look forward to reading your post.

    Peace and love to you too my friend.
