Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More on Pope Benedict and His Love of Cats

Our friend Barbara, the one who was responsible for us adopting our new tabby shared the following story with me. I am happy to see the lady in the story lives in Wayne, NJ., a town very familiar to me.
...And in Pope Benedict XVI, Ms. Fredericks, the chairwoman of the fledgling American branch of Catholic Concern for Animals, believes that she has found a kindred spirit: Along with an enormous entourage and a message of peace, the Pope brought with him to the United States a lifelong love of cats.

Benedict’s kindness toward the strays of Rome is already the stuff of Vatican legend. His house in Germany, its garden guarded by a cat statue, was filled with cats when Benedict lived there full time before he was posted to the Vatican in 1982.

And Benedict is, without a doubt, the first pope to have had an authorized biography of him written by a cat — Chico, a ginger tabby who lives across the road from Benedict’s old house in Germany...
You can read the rest of the article Here

Oh, BTW, we did receive Joseph and Chico and loved it!! I don't remember if I mentioned that here before...


  1. I thought it was a neat story, and thanks to you, I'd known about the book mentioned!

  2. Had to check it out, since she lives in my old stomping grounds!

    I was pleased this week when our school librarian brought in the Joseph and Chico book. The kids are all very interested in reading about the Pope. And the illustrations are SO cute!

  3. Wonderful Mimi :-)

    That's terrific Barb!
