Friday, April 04, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Avoiding Scandal Through Profane Art

The following is from the book by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan O.P., Read Me or Rue Me.
Those who have had the misfortune to give bad example and to wound or cause the perdition of souls by scandal must take care to repair all in this world, if they would not be subjected to the most terrible expiation in the other. It was not in vain that Jesus Christ cried out, "Woe to the world because of scandals!" "Woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh!"
The following explains the difference between real art and profane art and is from the book Merveilles du Purgatoire.
True art is an expression from Heaven which elevates the soul to God; profane art, which appeals to the senses only, which presents to the eye nothing but the beauties of flesh and blood, is but an inspiration of the evil spirit; his works, brilliant though they may be, are not works of art, and the name is falsely attributed to them. They are the infamous productions of a corrupt imagination.


  1. Thank you for this fine reflection and the accompanying fine art on FAF, Es.
    I really look forward to it each week.

  2. Thanks Teresa, that means a lot to me.
