Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kanaka Waiwai - The Parable of the Rich Young Man

English Translation of Kanaka WaiWai:

In the travels of Jesus
He met
a prominent young man
known for his wealth.
Said the youth,
"My good Lord
what must I do
to have eternal life?"

"Give, give away
your possessions.
Turn and follow me.
Thus have life eternal."

The youth treasured
his wealth.
He did not want to give all his possessions
to the needy and poor.
Jesus turned
and answered the youth,
"Being attached to worldly
possessions, you cannot reach
the kingdom of heaven."

I received an e-letter from Secretum Meum Mihi and it had an article about Patricia Devlin's favorite hymn which is a Hawaiian hymn. The video I chose to post here was created as a tribute to Queen Lili'uokalani. This beautiful hymn is playing in the background. I hope you enjoy that hymn as well as the old photos of Hawaii's beloved queen as much as I did.

(Born and raised in Hawaii, Patricia Devlin is the mother of two children and holds advanced degrees in psychology and counseling. She has been blind since birth, and has survived two bouts with cancer. She currently suffers from migraines and breast cancer. Her book, The Light of Love, is a compilation of conversations with her guardian angel, and later with our Lord. She lives in Lubbock, Texas and is under spiritual direction there with a priest of her diocese, in obedience to the bishop.)

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