Friday, March 14, 2008

Celebrations All Around Today!

AE and PiePicture source:Not Exactly Rocket Science and who is also celebrating both Pi Day and Albert Einstein's birthday.

Thanks to my friend Mary B I found out today was Pi Day. It makes sense since today is Albert Einstein's Birthday. Now let's see if my mathematician at home will remember what day today is.

It is also St. Patrick's Day today. Our church didn't observe this optional memorial today but I hope yours did.
And last but certainly not least, today is my dear brother's birthday!!


  1. I forgot today was pi day. My school used to give out pieces of pie, not sure if they still do though.

  2. Congrats all around. Have been out of the loop for a while but just catching up with everyone's blogs.

  3. How nice!

    Nice to see you back Karen.

  4. We spent the day making the last of the Irish Soda bread for the sale at church and preparing to welcome home daddy. I owe him Corned Beef. Here in Holyoke, home to the second or third largest parade anywhere (depnding on the year) our celebrations were moved to March 30. Our Grand Colleen is a lovely young woman who was on the Germany WYD trip with my son Jeff. A real young woman of faith!

  5. How wonderful Mary! I noticed yesterday the downtown area near the Irish pub was packed with a block party to celebrate.
