Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jesus Suffers for Love of Us

"Consider that Jesus suffered, even from the first moment of his life, and all for the love of us. During the whole of his life he had no other object in view, after the glory of God, than our salvation. He as the Son of God, had no need to suffer in order to deserve Paradise; but whatever he suffered of pain, of poverty, of ignominy, he applied it all towards meriting for us eternal salvation.
NAS Letter February 2007
"The mere listing of Jesus' sufferings in His Passion seems to exhaust the possibilities of human misfortune. In such agony that He:

1. sweated blood;

2. was betrayed;

3. was denied;

4. was deserted;

5. was arrested;

6. was falsely accused;

7. condemned unjustly;

8. blindfolded;

9. spat upon;

10. beaten;

11. ridiculed by Herod;

12. scourged by Pilate;

13. crowned with thorns;

14. loaded with the cross;

15. then nailed to it;

16. enduring utter dereliction of soul in the midst of a terrible thirst;

17. even after death, His side was torn with a lance.
from a sorrowful mystery mediation by Fr. Patrick Peyton. The Crucifixion.


  1. Gulp! Wow, something truly to be thankful for, to think about next time somebody wants to complain about petty things.

    Thanks for this.


  2. I'm glad I could help.
